Inovis Energy Blog Page

What are High-Efficiency Counter-Flow Heat Exchangers?

What Are High-Efficiency Counter-Flow Heat Exchangers

High-efficiency counter-flow heat exchangers are a key component of HVAC systems that can significantly improve energy efficiency and reduce energy costs in buildings. By recovering heat from exhaust air and transferring it to incoming fresh air, these heat exchangers can reduce the amount of energy required to heat or cool a building. When combined with control systems such as economizers, scheduling, and ventilation controls, the efficiency and effectiveness of HVAC systems can be further optimized. Learn how Inovis Energy can help you identify opportunities to save money on energy costs and reduce your building’s carbon footprint with a no-cost assessment.

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The Evolution of EV Charging - Inovis Energy, featuring a glowing car charger and electric vehicle

The Evolution of Level 2 Charging Stations

EV infrastructure and adoption are strongly correlated. It’s not just availability that plays a role, either: standardization is key in shaping the future of EV adoption. Case in point, take a look at the evolving standard for L2 chargers and the shift from 30-amp to 48-amp charging.

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What is an energy management system EMS - Inovis Energy

What is an Energy Management System (EMS)?

When you understand the energy demands of a building, you can take steps to control them—and, with the right investments, reduce them. Understanding starts with data made readily available by an energy management system (EMS).

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